javascript - Make a built in class COM visible -

i need make point structure com visible can parse javascript. @ moment, have been creating copies of lists, in guide:

using implements can't implement point (i have no idea implement does) have created bunch of classes custom classes.

but have bunch of points want parse javascript functions. need way points javascript or arrays if worse comes worse. i've been googling see if there way apply _ (i use on custom class lists) built in classes found nothing. if that, wow much, i'm sure theres big problem doing that.

instead of trying return apoint structure com object javascript, can return custom com-visible vb class serving same purpose, below. access x , y properties javascript. similar way, can create class vbpointarray return array of vbpoint.

imports system.runtime.interopservices  <comvisible(true)> _ <classinterface(classinterfacetype.autodispatch)> _ public class vbpoint     private _x integer     private _y integer      public sub new(byval x integer, byval y integer)         _x = x         _y = y     end sub      public property x() integer             return _x     end     end property      public property y() integer             return _y     end     end property end class 


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