multithreading - How to implement two same OpenGL UserControl in the same one form with C++? -

i tried implement(i.e. draw on) 2 usercontrol same opengl context in same 1 form. in other words, wanna show 2 same picture simultaneous on form. tool vc6 , use c++.

i've tried many methods failed. give me simple sample code or advises?


it looks there's 2 possibilities - either copy final image second gui element or create second "device context" second element, use *makecurrent change (see link , discussion below) , re-render or blit result.

copy: assuming gl context draws directly primary gui element (which stop using gui library copy), can copy data via glreadpixels or investigate drawing texture via frame buffer object , use glgetteximage2d. guess find way display raw image data on second gui element (this part have no experience in).

makecurrent: make current opengl context on linux


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