canvas - Why are images being drawn in the wrong place? -
the following code attempts draw image button selected in toolbar canvas @ mouse position. based on printed coordinates position correctly calculated, images placed in wrong place. code:
import 'dart:html'; class test { imageelement toolbar_selected_element = null; canvaselement canvas; num mousex = null, mousey = null; void main() { canvas = query("#canvas"); canvas.onclick.listen(canvas_onclick); (var toolbutton in queryall('.toolbutton')) { toolbutton.onclick.listen((e) => toolbar_selected_element = query("#${}")); } } void canvas_onclick(mouseevent event) { num x,y; var clientboundingrect = canvas.getboundingclientrect(); mousex = event.clientx - clientboundingrect.left; mousey = event.clienty -; window.requestanimationframe(draw); } void draw(num _) { canvasrenderingcontext2d context = canvas.context2d; context.clearrect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if(toolbar_selected_element!= null && mousex != null && mousey != null) { print("$mousex $mousey"); context.drawimage(toolbar_selected_element, mousex, mousey); } } } void main() { new test().main(); }
the corresponding html file can found at:
the issue you're setting css style width
, height
other canvas's actual width , height. see this answer more details.
if want canonical source of canvas's dimensions in css file, this:
void main() { canvas = query("#canvas"); canvas.width = int.parse(canvas.getcomputedstyle().width.split('px')[0]); canvas.height = int.parse(canvas.getcomputedstyle().height.split('px')[0]);
i hope there's more elegant way strip 'px', that's first thing came mind.
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