android - Unable to apply Cascading styles, when used JQuery locally rather than through CDN -

i beginner in android app development using jquery , trying put jquery scripts in local storage, rather referring central depository.

<script src="../www/js/jquery.1.10.2.js"></script> <script src="../www/js/"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../www/css/" /> 

but desired output not getting displayed. have below code in index.html file.

<body>  <div  data-role="page">  <div  data-role="header">hello android</div>  <div  data-role="content">from mani.</div>  <div  data-role="footer">test</div>  </div>  </body> 

plain text displayed rather css elements. checked in previous posts regarding question, , tried out solutions, didn't work. can please help..?

the issue due framework, used; phonegap. expects paths given in absolute manner.

/android_asset/www/js/filename.js , way 1 has give path, in order have our element identified! :)


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