c - Serial port, WriteFile affects ReadFile -
i'm having problem serial port code.
i do:
opencomm(); send(); closecomm();
and clearcommerror() (inside recv())
returns in comstat.cbinque
same amount sent.
so, if sizeof (sendbuff)
100, 100 in comstat.cbinque
after reading 1 byte readfile
, comstat.cbinque
decrements (after subsequent clearcommerror()
, of course).
the values read not ones written. there no device connected port.
the strangest thing this code used work, not anymore.
word sendbuff[128]; static handle hcomm; static void opencomm (void) { static commtimeouts timeouts = {0,0,0,0,0}; static dcb dcb = { sizeof (dcb), // dcblength 115200, // * baudrate 1, // fbinary 0, // * fparity 0, // foutxctsflow 0, // foutxdsrflow 0, // fdtrcontrol 0, // fdsrsensitivity 1, // ftxcontinueonxoff 0, // foutx 0, // finx 0, // ferrorchar 0, // fnull 0, // frtscontrol 0, // fabortonerror 0, // fdummy2 0, // wreserved 8*k, // xonlim 2*k, // xofflim 8, // * bytesize 0, // * parity 0, // * stopbits 0, // xonchar 1, // xoffchar 0, // errorchar 0, // eofchar 0, // evtchar 0 // wreserved1 }; hcomm = createfile("com1", generic_read | generic_write, 0, null, open_existing, 0, null); if (hcomm != invalid_handle_value) { setupcomm(hcomm, 16*k, 16*k); setcommstate(hcomm, &dcb); setcommtimeouts(hcomm, &timeouts); } } static void closecomm (void) { closehandle(hcomm); } static byte recv (void) { byte text; dword temp; comstat comstat; while (1) { clearcommerror(hcomm, &temp, &comstat); if (comstat.cbinque != 0) break; sleep(1); } readfile(hcomm, &text, 1, &temp, null); return text; } static void send (void) { dword temp; // send other comp writefile(hcomm, sendbuff, sizeof (sendbuff), &temp, null); // check other comp done if (recv() != 0xaa) { beep(1000, 100); quit(); // comm error } }
it cable. not shielded , long.
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