php - symfony2 group by date query -

code follows, trying group transactions date. if use group year(t.createddate), month(t.createddate), day(t.createddate)

i teh following error: [semantical error] line 0, col 173 near 'year(t.creat': error: cannot group undefined identification or result variable.

$transactions = $em->createquery("select sum(t.amount) amount, count( total xxxcreatormainbundle:transaction t t.createddate >= :createdstart , t.createddate <= :createdstop")                            ->setparameter('createdstart',$createdstart)                            ->setparameter('createdstop',$createdstop)                            ->getresult(); 

i need show total # of transactions , sum of amounts in day day fashion.. appreciated

neither of functions come build-in doctrine, so must either register them manually or install doctrineextensions github repo i'm sure has of them prepared use.

also, take @ tutorial (last code block, more precise) on how register functions doctrineextensions.

hope helps....


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