jsf - Composite component javax.faces.FacesException: Cannot find component "inputID" in view -

i have composite component works pretty when used once in page doesn't work if use more once. let's component called my:field:

    <composite:implementation>             <h:form id="myform" prependid="false">                     <p:message for="inputid" display="text"/>                     <p:inputtext binding="#{mybean.valuebind}"  id="inputid" value="#{mybean.value}" required="true" />                     <p:commandbutton process="@form" update="@form" action="#mybean.action} value="do something" ajax="true"/>             </h:form>     </composite:implementation> 

and use this:

    <my:field id="field1"/> 

that works fine, if add below it:

    <my:field id="field2"/> 

i following exception javax.faces.facesexception: cannot find component "inputid" in view.

i don't understand doing wrong? i've tried prepending form id, component id (field1) using cc.attr.id. don't know need do.

i using mojarra 2.1.13, , primefaces 3.5. appreciated.

thank you.

edit: added binding=.... attribute p:inputtext causing issue had omitted in initial post.

it turned out binding attribute. removing makes things work, need different way of invalidating field.


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