android - How to center Google maps driving directions between destination and source -

i using google maps url commands draw driving directions source destination using following commands:

    string geouristring = "" +             "saddr=" + latitude + "," +  longitude + "&daddr=" + destlat+ "," + destlong; 


intent mapcall = new intent(intent.action_view, uri.parse(geouristring)); startactivity(mapcall); 

this opens list of options, when choose google maps, shows me driving directions source destination.

i have question:

  • how can zoom map out fit drawn path source destination? (because zoomed in much, full path not shown @ once)

**var mapoptions = {     zoom: 4,     center: new google.maps.latlng(18.49866955, 73.8957357166667),     maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap   };   var map = new'map_canvas'),       mapoptions);** 


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