xamarin.ios - struggling testing IOS in app purchase with xamarin -

for last couple of days have been struggling trying set enviroment test in app purchase in xamarin. docs page not clear on needs done, @ least me.

for have researched, need sign contract apple, requires me give apple information bank account, taxes, etc. information going take little while, maybe week. without contract, can test in sandbox mode in app purchase?

so far, have created development provisioning profile, app id , bundle id well, products going sell within app, , test users. tried getting product info device, did not work, no error, or app crash. missing here causes behavior.

i read in page need install provisioning profile , configure xcode sign app profile. how do in xamarin studio?

also, need tell xcode whats application bundle id, again, how do this?

i read in-app purchase programming guide , gave me overall understanding architecture needed implement in app purchases, failing on little details.

any appreciated. thank much.

craigd's answer may help: iap ( in app purchase ) sample monotouch?

it doens't touch on live testing per se, craig's github example may details of implementation.


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