hadoop - Increasing io.sort.mb -

it highly appreciated if me find out went wrong in configuration.

i wanted increase value of io.sort.mb , added property below in core-site.xml. io.sort.mb 350m

the runtime information attaching below shows value of io.sort.mb, did not change rather default value io.sort.mb = 100 stayed.

13/08/15 16:43:34 info mapred.task:  using resourcecalculatorplugin : org.apache.hadoop.util.linuxresourcecalculatorplugin@1e5e96c1 13/08/15 16:43:34 info mapred.maptask: numreducetasks: 1 13/08/15 16:43:34 info mapred.maptask: **io.sort.mb = 100** 13/08/15 16:43:34 info mapred.maptask: data buffer = 79691776/99614720 13/08/15 16:43:34 info mapred.maptask: record buffer = 262144/327680 13/08/15 16:43:34 info mapred.maptask: starting flush of map output 13/08/15 16:43:34 info mapred.maptask: finished spill 0 13/08/15 16:43:34 info mapred.task: task:attempt_local_0001_m_004609_0 done. , in process of commiting 

since not working, added property in mapred-site.xml schema, got same outcome above.

can suggest me should do?

thanking in advance.


according article here io.sort.mb should 10 * io.sort.factor incase have ram.

<property> <name>io.sort.factor</name> <value>100</value> <description>more streams merged @ once while sorting files.</description> </property>    <property> <name>io.sort.mb</name> <value>200</value> <description>higher memory-limit while sorting data.</description> </property> 

trying changing sort factor on nodes.


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