Windows Phone App - Reactiveness while not active -

i doing little feasibility study windows 8 phone app. experienced .net programmer not familiar of w8p concepts yet. read quite of documentation , have questions couldn't find clear answers for.

the questions continuing of app's logic while isn't active. want add app require little processing power.

  1. is somehow possible make frequent updates app's primary or secondary tile, once second? show sort of counter or timer.

  2. is possible schedule reactivation of app @ point in time? saw alarm or reminder notification, requires user tap alarm window in order restart app. ( want add potentially annoying behavior, in case user explicitly want app pop @ time.)

  3. since suspect point 2 might not possible, want ask whether there way have alarm or reminder dialog without snooze button, since doesn't suit app's logic. or @ least give app opportunity react if user presses snooze.

thanks helping!

  1. only when app running. when app not running can use background agent update tile once every 30 minutes

  2. not possible

  3. not possible


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