sum - Many decimal places required in python calculations -

i need accurately sum long list of decimal numbers precision of @ least 50 decimal places. need able print sums. need unlimited decimal places.

i have no idea how this. floating numbers supposed converted strings , printed out decimal module right? have no success in understanding module or limitations. if me problem and/or maybe hint me of instructive article decimal module or floating point numbers in python, me , others.

my attempt was:

from __future__ import division decimal import * getcontext().prec = 160  summan = 0 lista = [1/4,1/3,1/5,1/6,1/7,1/9,1/10,1/11]  x in lista:     summan += x     print decimal(str(summan)) 

have at documentation... fraction divisions high precision can like:

from decimal import * getcontext().prec = 160  summan = 0 lista = ['1/4','1/3','1/5','1/6','1/7','1/9','1/10','1/11']  x in lista:     den, num = x.split('/')     print decimal(den) / decimal(num) 


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