ruby - Rails - Show which category a tutorial belongs to in the tutorial index view -

i have tutorial model , tutorial_category model. have linked 2 using has_many belongs_to relationship. in tutorials index view, looping through tutorials so: <% @tutorials.each |tutorial| %>. inside loop, wanting display category each tutorial belongs to. i'm trying <%= tutorial.tutorial_categories.title %> (title attr in tutorial_category model , have :tutorial_id attribute in tutorial_category model. , :tutorial_category_id attr in tutorial model, matter).

here index action in tutorials controller:

def index    @tutorials = tutorial.all    @tutorial =    @tutorial_categories ="distinct title, id")     respond_to |format|       format.html # index.html.erb       format.json { render :json => @tutorials }   end end 

i can't figure out i'm doing wrong here. experience, should work correctly, although it's been few months since i've written ruby code i'm missing stupid here. appreciated!

update: models

class tutorial < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :content, :title, :tutorial_category_id   belongs_to :tutorial_category end  class tutorialcategory < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :title, :tutorial_id   has_many :tutorials end 

if want able list tutorial categories next tutorials following:

def index    @tutorials = tutorial.includes(:tutorial_category)    @tutorial =    ...   end end 

then can iterate on them

<% @tutorials.each |tutorial| %>   <%= tutorial.tutorial_category.title %> <% end %> 


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