html - Continue playing audio from web page even after going to the next page -

i'm setting radio/stream player on website. player iframe with/or object (type="application/x-shockwave-flash") or <audio> element, inside document in sidebar, repeated along website. when stream playing , browse thru link site of website stream interrupted because of loading of site.

i want player keep playing if browse part of site thru link (ex. click on home) soundcloud , hypem do. know these site doing refreshing rest of site ajax , leaving player untouched.

my question is, there way make iframe/object/audio element keep playing?

once have switched next page, on original page destroyed , stops running. there no direct way around fact. have said, other sites work not switching pages.

a common way keep audio going use popup window player. way, audio player page still around. can communicate other pages. (check out example.) not typically method, many popup blockers block popups. popup blockers block popups initiated outside of user action though, if had "play" button launched popup window, users still it. reason bad idea though because bit of jarring user experience.

another way set link targets _blank, opening them in new tab or window. careful links player page.

finally, sites continually post playback status server. on next page, if song playing on previous page, new player started @ point in last page stopped. bit annoying though, music stops period of time while player loads.


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