I am getting a error when calling a mailer_helper method for a mailer method in a Rails 3.2.13 app -

following this post , this post put following.

in app/helpers/mailer_helper.rb:

module mailerhelper   def sys_addy     @sys_addy = current_site == "site1" ? "me@site1.com" : "me@site2.com"   end end 

attempt 1 placing helper method call above method - app/mailers/user_mailer.rb:

class usermailer < actionmailer::base   helper :mailer   sys_addy   default :from => @sys_addy    def notice_email     ...   end end 

attempt 2 placing helper method call inside method - app/mailers/user_mailer.rb:

class usermailer < actionmailer::base   helper :mailer    def notice_email     sys_addy     ...     mail( ...:from => @sys_addy )   end end 

in both cases got:

nameerror (undefined local variable or method `sys_addy' 

thanks help.

i think can use following:

class usermailer < actionmailer::base   include mailerhelper   helper :mailer 

but problem solution helper can't know result of current_site (i guess stocked in user's session?).

a workaround use thread.current in order store data dynamically (can updated):

thread.current[:site] = site 

this solution not safe, make sure secure access variable , never put user's input in thread.current.


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