javascript - How to fire an onclick event in an url? -

i want redirect people using url page on website. problem page popup window created tinybox. basically, want whole site load , open popup, need url. can me? here code:

<ul class="floatset">     <li onclick="pauseallvideos();{iframe:'/flash',boxid:'frameless',width:800,height:600,fixed:false,maskid:'bluemask',maskopacity:40,closejs:function(){closejs()}})" class="footer_image_text1"><a class="flash"></a>flash</li> </ul> 

are looking like:

$('.floatset li:first-child').click(function() {   event.preventdefault();   pauseallvideos();     //copied below original question, not familiar tinybox {iframe:'/flash', boxid:'frameless', width:800,height:600, fixed:false,maskid:'bluemask', maskopacity:40,closejs:function(){closejs()}})  }) 

you can set href on anchor without user being navigated away when click on it.


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