.net - NUnit Runners have some errors. MSBuild -

c:\ccnet\*\workingdirectory\build\*_nunit.targets (17,5):  errormsb3073: command ""c:\ccnet\*\workingdirectory\build\..\src\packages\nunit.runners.2.6.2\tools\nunit-console.exe" *.tests.dll /xml:nunit-results.xml /noshadow /framework=v4.0.30319" exited code -100. 

what it? on local machine tests run , long run (and not all) or take off. , server machine test cannot runned.

the error msb3073 indicates kind of permission issue. whatever account\user running build have access file nunit-results.xml supposed copied to?

also, long path? there 256 character limit (remember path might shorter on machine).


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