php - Doctrine Mongo ODM UniqueIndex is replicated -

i'm playing uniqueindex picked doc of doctrine odm , seems have misanderstood of aims do.

indeed have keyword document mapped doctrine odm :

namespace app\document;  use doctrine\odm\mongodb\mapping\annotations odm;  /**  * @odm\document  * @odm\uniqueindex(keys={"name"="asc", "lang"="asc"})  */ class keyword {      /** @odm\id(strategy="auto") */     protected $id;      /** @odm\string */     protected $name;      /** @odm\string */     protected $lang;      .... 

as can see document has uniqueindex on 2 keys (name , lang)

i have simple script persist document

    ....     ....     $keyword=new \app\document\keyword();     $keyword->setcreatedate(new \datetime());     $keyword->setlang("fr");     $keyword->setlastparsedate(new \datetime());     $keyword->setname("test");      $dm->persist($keyword);      $dm->flush(); 

now when find mongo shell, data same pair name/lang replicated when should unique :

> db.keyword.find() { "_id" : objectid("5171c72c6155795e47000000"), "name" : "test", "lang" : "fr", "createdate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:37:32z"), "lastparsedate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:37:32z") } { "_id" : objectid("5171c7366155796147000000"), "name" : "test", "lang" : "fr", "createdate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:37:42z"), "lastparsedate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:37:42z") } { "_id" : objectid("5171c7406155796447000000"), "name" : "test", "lang" : "fo", "createdate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:37:52z"), "lastparsedate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:37:52z") } { "_id" : objectid("5171c7fd615579a747000000"), "name" : "test", "lang" : "fo", "createdate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:41:01z"), "lastparsedate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:41:01z") } { "_id" : objectid("5171c7fe615579aa47000000"), "name" : "test", "lang" : "fo", "createdate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:41:02z"), "lastparsedate" : isodate("2013-04-19t22:41:02z") } 

my goal make pair name/lang unique persistence.

so have 2 questions :

  • what uniqueindex made ? (because doesnt prevent replication)
  • should use custom strategy concatenates name , lang unique id ? common usage ?

edit :

thanks @gview advices found didnt ensureindexes. fixed link :

but instead of update entry, throws error duplicate entry. should use custom id said above ?

the index ensure documents don't duplicated.

if want equivalent of "replace into", should either:

get document if present, set values:

$keyword= $dm->findby(array("name"=> $name, "lang"=> $lang)); if(!$keyword) {     $keyword= new keyword();     $dm->persist($keyword); } $keyword->setcreatedate(new \datetime()); $keyword->setlang("fr"); $keyword->setlastparsedate(new \datetime()); $keyword->setname("test"); 

this lead 2 queries.


do upsert:

$dm->createquerybuilder('keyword')    ->setnewobj(array(        'lang' => 'fr',        'name' => 'test',        // ... other fields    ))    ->field('lang')->equals('fr')    ->field('name')->equals('test')    ->getquery()    ->execute(); 

this update doc if present, otherwise create new document.

however, new document created raw array, actually bypassing doctrine events (like @timestampeble annotation).

so if query isn't problem, use first method.


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