syntax - Tictactoe c program error with main function -

i'm creating simple tictactoe game in c. keep getting error in main function, don't know expected expression wants before else statement. how program works symbols both players, begin game.


tictac.c: in function ‘main’: tictac.c:31: error: expected expression before ‘else’ tictac.c: @ top level: tictac.c:49: warning: conflicting types ‘print’ tictac.c:30: warning: previous implicit declaration of ‘print’ here tictac.c:63: error: conflicting types ‘check’ tictac.c:63: note: argument type has default promotion can’t match empty parameter name list declaration tictac.c:29: error: previous implicit declaration of ‘check’ here tictac.c:89: warning: conflicting types ‘move’ tictac.c:28: warning: previous implicit declaration of ‘move’ here 


char board[3][3];  int main(void) {     int first;     char player1, player2;      printf("player 1: choose symbol: \n");     player1 = getchar();      printf("player 2: choose symbol: \n");     player2 = getchar();      int i=0;     int win;     char turn;     while(win == 0)     {         if((i%2) == 0)             turn = player1;         move(player1);         win = check(player1);         print();         else             turn = player2;         move(player2);         i++;     }      if (i == 8)         printf("its tie");     else         printf("the winner %c", turn);      return 0; }  /*printing board takes in placement int*/ void print(void) {     int r;     printf("\n");     (r = 0; r < 3; r++){         printf(" %c | %c | %c \n" , board[r][0], board[r][2], board[r][3]);         if (r != 2)             printf("___________\n");     }     printf("\n");     return; }  /*check see if won*/ int check(char player) {     int r, c;      ( r = 0 ; r <3 ; r++)     {         if ((board[r][0] == player) && (board[r][1] == player) && (board[r][2] == player))             return 1;     }      ( c = 0 ; c <3 ; c++)     {         if ((board[0][c] == player) && (board[1][c] == player) && (board[2][c] == player))             return 1;     }      if((board[0][0] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[2][2] == player))         return 1;      if((board[0][2] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[2][0] == player))         return 1;      return 0; }  void move(char player) {     int place;     printf("player1, enter placement: \n");     scanf("%d", &place);      if (place == 1)         board[0][0] = player;     else if (place == 2)         board[0][1] = player;     else if (place == 3)         board[0][2] = player;      else if (place == 4)         board[1][0] = player;     else if (place == 5)         board[1][1] = player;     else if (place == 6)         board[1][2] = player;      else if (place == 7)         board[2][0] = player;     else if (place == 8)         board[2][1] = player;     else if (place == 9)         board[2][2] = player; } 

you can omit curly braces if have 1 line after if/else. error here:

        if((i%2) == 0)             turn = player1;             move(player1);             win = check(player1);             print();     else             turn = player2;             move(player2);       

you need curly braces. tip, @ bottom instead of 9 if statements, this:

board[(place-1)/3][(place+2) % 3] = player; 

and should equivalent 9 if statements in move() function.


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