ruby - How to create a Rails-like before filter in Sinatra? -

class foo   def do_before     ...   end    def do_something     ... 

is there way run do_before method before each other method in foo class (like do_something)?

it seems sinatra before block runs before each http request, has nothing class.

edit: michael pointed out in comments, similar functionality rails offers in controller. however, both rails , sinatra offer similar functionality.

as iain pointed out in comments, example specify not specific rails/sinatra. i'm assuming want before filter ones in rails , sinatra offers:

sinatra's modular apps:

class foo < sinatra::base    before     "do something"   end    '/'     "hello world"   end end  class bar < sinatra::base    before     "do else"   end    '/'     "hello world"   end end 

in config.rb file,

require 'foo.rb' require 'bar.rb'  map '/foo'   run foo end  map '/bar'   run bar end 

this nearest analogy rails controller in sinatra. create more classes , you'll have similar functionality (similar, may not same might expect in rails world).


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