iphone - How to Refersh the UI view from subview custom cell? -

my xib ddesign

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i have design screen this,in run time have screen

enter image description here

in have view name , plus , minus button,in run time have name 1,name 2 , name 3 etc . when click plus button increase value 1 ... , show count label,then when click minus button wan decrease count label value.

my click event code in custom cell class,

_(ibaction)click:sender  { nsuinteger no =2; second-class *sc = [[secondclass alloc] init]; [sc numberofitem:no]; } 

when click button in custom cell,i want change count label value in main class, main class coding is

-(void)nuberofitem:no { nslog(@"number : %d",no); //its show correct value localtextbox.text = no;  nslog(@"text box value : %@",localtextbox.text); //but in  label shows null value } 

not able change count lable value don't know how thing can know me please.

the button (custom or otherwise) shouldn't telling rest of application other "i tapped!".

set button it's target view controller , it's action appropriate method in view controller. tapping button trigger action in view controller. being part of view controller, action should able add row table , update value in label.

the button shouldn't know label, table, or else.


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